A plate of steamed dog meat.
Boshintang (보신탕) or Dog meat soup
A plate of steamed Goat meat.
A plate of steamed dog meat.
Boshintang (보신탕) or Dog meat soup
A plate of steamed Goat meat.
you don't actually eat the dog soup do you? it's man's best friend! that's like cannibalism!
My name is Roger Wellor (I found you on the Korean Blogger site) and I’m doing a study of the successes and failures of Korean International Tourism Marketing. I have a brief survey online that I invite you to take. It is designed to be answered by Korean/US bloggers and to give a slight outline of how these cross-cultural thinkers evaluate Korea’s International Marketing.
Sorry to do this in comments, but I didn't see an email link...
Your email will not be used for anything other than this survey (in fact it is not a required field in the survey) and if you have any questions, I can be contacted here at rwellor@spunangel.com.
Here is the link:
thank you,
While people may have different views still good things should always be appreciated. Yours is a nice blog. Liked it!!!
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